Low and Slow

Yesterday I ran What I call Low and Slow,  Low Heart Rate and Slow Pace

Low Heart Rate being in Zone 2 A.KA.Endurance Zone, A.K.A Show me the money ZONE. 

Zone 2 training is a HUGE Game Changer but also super hard to navigate both physically and Mentally. 

Physically it is challenging because it is a not walking pace but also does not provide a RUNNING feeling like a workout pace. Finding the sweet spot with your feet takes practice and may feel like your aren’t really moving. One tip to find zone 2, (without a watch to tell you) if you are able to have a full on conversation without taking deep breaths, you are in the right zone. 

Mentally it is hard because you feel like you are not moving and not getting a workout in. You may not sweat much or feel tired or accomplished after…But the benefits of ZONE 2 training are insane when it comes time to MOVE. 

Rule of thumb, KEEP EASY DAYS, EASY!!!! 

Our bodies need ZONE 2 training to recover before and after major “Key” workouts. BUT when we use ZONE 2 we are training our cardiovascular system to work more effectively “Smarter” then harder. We want to move faster but at a lower heart rate so we can go longer faster especially in longer events. 

Things to keep in mind with Zone 2

 - 60-70% Of Mac Heart Rate

 - Easy Recovery, Jogging and Conversational Pace

 - Recovery Runs, Long Runs, Aerobic Pace and Building Endurance 


1. Lowers the risk of injury and overtraining 

2. Cardiovascular Benefits 

3. Metabolic Benefits


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